Concept of my journey

I guess I should start by explaining the name 'from the back seat of the class' as best as I can. I am an educational needs teacher that is passionate about social movement research and exploring neurotypical views of atypical individuals. I say educational needs... more of you perhaps will be familiar with the term 'special educational needs' or SEN teacher. However, I now try and stay clear of the 'S' word for many reasons that I may share with you another time. I know... it is hard to keep up with the ever changing 'labels' that society tends to place upon us.

I am currently studying Autism at Masters level and I am shocked at how quickly my thoughts around the 'Autism' subject has changed over the past couple of months and I wish to share some of my thoughts with you in future posts.

I am fortunate that the students that I teach have allowed me into their individual worlds and I often find that they teach me more so than I could ever teach them. As one of my own teachers once said, 'I would be in disbelief if you told me that I have ever taught you anything', I didn't understand this at the time, but it seems that the more you teach, the clearer this becomes.

My posts will be less informative, but more general insights into my own experiences with learners that have educational needs. Of course everything that I write about will be completely anonymous and I wish to write not just from a teachers perspective, but through the perspective of an individual with educational needs... if this is ever possible, however I do believe that we all have educational needs to some degree.

'From the back seat of the class' is a concept of my journey: from literally sitting at the back of the class when I was in school and college myself, to still finding myself 'at the back of the class' in my workplace. I am sure that some of you can relate to me when I say that I am by far not the loudest or the first one to speak. You will find me 'at the back of the class' in the office at work, silently listening, observing and occasionally soaking in information. And yes, even in the classroom you will find me 'at the back of the class' sometimes, just observing and listening, occasionally injecting information to discussions... my students inspire me to facilitate more student lead sessions in comparison to teacher lead sessions.

These blog posts will be the notes from what I have silently listened to and observed. Perhaps it is time for the student at the back of the class to be heard.
